Our paper on the independent evolution of bacterial ceramide synthesis went online today at Nature Chemical Biology! This was a tremendous effort by Gabrielle and our amazing collaborators Ziqiang Guan (Duke) and Dominic Campopiano (U. Edinburgh). Check out the paper at https://rdcu.be/cD6p6
What’s New?
Poster winners!!
Congratulations to Lauren (best poster) and Josh (finalist) for their poster awards at the 2021 CCIB Retreat!
Welcome to Chioma
Welcome to Chioma, a 1st year CCIB PhD student, who is doing a rotation in our lab!
Congratulations, Shriya
Congratulations to Shriya on passing her MS defense! Her Molecular Dynamics simulations are providing a lot of food for thought about how ceramides function in bacterial membranes. We’re happy that she’ll be sticking around for a PhD in our program!
Welcome, Lauren!
Welcome to Lauren Hinkel who joined the lab as a post-doc! Lauren is joining us from Matt Wargo’s lab at U. Vermont.
Congratulations Antonella!
Congratulations to Antonella for successfully defending her MS thesis today!!